Oracle Thin Client For Mac

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Go Up to Database Connectivity (FireDAC)

The Oracle Virtual Desktop Client application runs on an ordinary PC or tablet and provides a Sun Ray session in a desktop window. It is supported and can be installed on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, iPad, and Android. An Oracle Virtual Desktop Client supports most of the standard Sun Ray Client functionality. Instead of relying only on a Sun Ray Client for session access, a user can install and run the Oracle Virtual Desktop Client. How To Setup The Database And The Client To Have SSL Mutual Authentication With An Oracle Jdbc Thin Client And The Database? (Doc ID 1190873.1) Last updated on SEPTEMBER 24, 2019. Applies to: JDBC - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform.

This topic describes how to connect to Oracle Server.

  • 2Windows Client Software

Supported Versions

The FireDAC native driver supports Oracle Enterprise, Standard (ex Workgroup), and Express (ex Personal) server editions version 8.0.3 and later. For detailed discussion on Oracle usage in FireDAC for the Object Pascal application, read the 'Using Oracle with FireDAC' chapter.

Windows Client Software

FireDAC requires one of the following Oracle x86 or x64 client software types to be installed on the workstation:

  1. Mkdir -p /instantclient122/network/admin. This is the default Oracle configuration directory for applications linked with this Instant Client. Alternatively, Oracle configuration files can be put in another, accessible directory. Then set the environment variable TNSADMIN to that directory name.
  2. Download links for Oracle Instant Client. No results found. Your search did not match any results. We suggest you try the following to help find what you’re looking for.
  3. Free, light-weight, and easily installed Oracle Database tools, libraries and SDKs. Oracle Instant Client enables applications to connect to a local or remote Oracle Database for development and production deployment. The Instant Client libraries provide the necessary network connectivity, as well as basic and high end data features, to make full use of Oracle Database.
  4. How to install Oracle Instant Client Version (64-bit) on a Mac (OS X 10.11.5) I have downloaded version (64-bit) version and unzipped the file. I now have the following files under /downloads/instantclient.
  • 'Fat' Oracle Client (details) -- It requires the standard install procedure. The driver uses the client that is installed in the primary Oracle Home, if not specified explicitly.
  • 'Thin' Oracle Instant Client (details) -- The driver uses the client, which is either copied into a folder in the PATH or into the application EXE folder, if not specified explicitly. See 'Using Instant Client' below.

If the Oracle client software has not been installed properly, an exception is raised when trying to connect:

Using Instant Client

To install Instant Client, download the Oracle Instant x86 or x64 client archive, unpack it and copy the files:

  • oci.dll
  • oraocci11.dll
  • oraociei11.dll
  • orasql11.dll

in your application EXE folder or in a folder in the PATH.

When you are using TNS names, put the tnsnames.ora file in the same folder or set the TFDPhysOracleDriverLink.TNSAdmin property value to a folder path with tnsnames.ora or use the TNSAdmin driver configuration parameter.

Set TFDPhysOracleDriverLink.NLSLang to the required value or use the NLSLang driver configuration parameter.

Linux Client Software

/scp-3008-game-mac.html. FireDAC requires:

  • the x86 or x64 client library.

To install on Linux, read the article.

Mac OS X Client Software

FireDAC requires:

  • the libclntsh.dylib x86 client library.

You can download it as Instant Client for Mac OS X (here) (more). Then extract and copy the content to the /usr/local/lib folder, using the commands:

You can put tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora to /etc folder, using the command:

Driver Linkage

To link the driver:

  • Drop a TFDPhysOracleDriverLink component from the 'FireDAC Links' palette page.
  • Or include the FireDAC.Phys.Oracle unit in an uses clause.

Connection Definition Parameters

Oracle Thin Client For Macbook

To connect to an Oracle DBMS, most applications will require you to specify DriverID, Database, User_Name, and Password.


Oracle Thin Client For Mac Os

ParameterDescriptionExample value

The value can be one of the following:

  • TNS alias name -- specifying which database to connect to.
  • TNS connection descriptor -- as it is in TNSNames.ora
  • Oracle connection string -- as it is in SQL*Plus.
  • Oracle easy connect string -- as it is described here.
  • OraSrv
  • scott/tiger@OraSrv
  • system/manager@OraSrv as sysdba
  • OraSrv:1521/orcl
OSAuthent Specify Yes to use OS authentification, and No to use the DBMS authentification.No
User_Name The Oracle user name, if OSAuthent=NoScott
Password The Oracle user password, if OSAuthent=Notiger

The Oracle authentification mode:

  • Normal -- standard user. Default value.
  • SysDBA -- user with database administrator privileges.
  • SysOper -- user with database operator privileges.
CharacterSet The character set for the connection. If not specified, the NLS_LANG variable value is used.
  • UTF8
  • cl8mswin1251

Defines how to represent Boolean values:

  • Integer -- represents Boolean as Integer values, where False = 0 and True = 1. The default mode.
  • String -- represents Boolean as String values, where False = 'F' and True = 'T'.
ApplicationName Name of the application. If specified, this value is stored in the V$SESSION column MODULE.AllBooks
OracleAdvanced Additional Oracle session options. For details, see the ALTER SESSION SET chapter, the 'Initialization Parameters and ALTER SESSION' paragraph. A value format is - <option>=<value>[;..].
NewPassword Specifies the new Oracle user password. FireDAC connects to the DB using the old password and immediately changes it to the new one.tiger2
MetaDefSchema Specifies the default schema for the application. The design time code omits the schema name in object names if it is equal to MetaDefSchema.SCOTT

Usage Cases

  • Connect to a database using the predefined TNS name (stored in tnsnames.ora):
  • Connect to a database using host, port, and instance name info:
  • Connect to a local database as sysdba:

Oracle Thin Client For Mac Catalina

  • Connect to a database using the TNS name and change the password:

Oracle Thin Client Macos

  • Connect to a database using the easy connect string:

See Also

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