Scitools Understand License

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Why Sourcetrail?

The reality of software development.

As software engineers, we know that we have the skills and capacity to actualize all of our ideas. But sometimes, it’s more difficult than we expect. Professional software development is often a team effort. Working in teams allows us to solve harder problems, but it comes at a cost. When a codebase grows, it becomes increasingly complex to track every addition. Consequently, more and more effort is spent investigating the current implementation while less is spent on writing new features. New Developers will often have to spend days or even weeks browsing legacy code to familiarize themselves with the implementation before actually becoming productive.

Programming languages are not the problem.

Programming languages are constantly evolving. They reduce the overhead a software developer needs to keep in mind by abstracting away more and more limitations of the machine. But regardless of the language, if a project reaches a certain size, it's hard to keep a consistent mental model of the source code's structure. The problem here is not the poor abstraction of the language, but the high information density of code. Every line in the source code has a purpose and as software developers, we spend most of your time searching for those small pieces that are currently relevant. Why can't we take a step back and see how the components connect with each other, without constantly looking at every detail of code?

Understand is an application created to help developers analyze their code for errors. The tool is incredibly straightforward allowing you to get the best of it from first use. Yoiur projects are accesible in different tabs and there are several options to customize the interface. This category covers all things related to Understand licensing. All the information you could want to know with some additional information you probably don’t. Understand Annual subscription license of Understand for one named user with one year of updates and the best technical support you've ever experienced. An account is required to redeem a claim code, or request a Student/Non-Commerical License. Login, or Register your account.

Understand is a customisable integrated development environment (IDE) that enables static code analysis through an array of visuals, documentation, and metric tools. It was built to help software developers comprehend, maintain, and document their source code. Copyright © 2020 Scitools All Rights Reserved.Scitools All Rights Reserved.

We already have enough code editors.

When it comes to writing code, we have a multitude of options to suit whatever workflow we desire. What is harder to address is how efficiently we can understand an existing implementation. While there are many great code editors out there, they’re designed for writing code and are not made for navigating the implementation at hand. Sure, every developer has their own strategy of finding information within source code, from searching documentation to looking at tests, or asking the original authors when available. But when you’ve exhausted all these options, you are inevitably left with digging through code. And let’s face it—digging through is something that most programmers would rather avoid.

Scitools Understand License

The computer knows it all!

Understanding the fundamentals of your software architecture shouldn’t be that hard. Seeing which objects are involved in a feature and the paths that it takes through the source files should be a no-brainer. The funny thing about all this? Your computer knows it all. By using a compiler or interpreter, your computer already knows how the language works. It knows what paradigms exist and because it's turning your source code into executable instructions; it knows every single piece of information within the entire codebase, including: where functions are called, how types get instantiated, where variables get changed. Accessing this information was cumbersome for us developers so far, but is easily possible with Sourcetrail.

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Scientific Toolworks Understand

Understand is a static analysis tool for maintaining, measuring, & analyzing critical or large code bases. From metrics and graphs to dependency analysis, Master your source code with Understand.

Accessed via a streamlined Information Browser, Understand provides a comprehensive overview of your software in a quick and easy format. Rapid insight into your code base is enabled through a wide range of metrics, customisable reports, graphs, a set of dependency analysis functions and accurate search facilities. Combined with a customisable, fully-featured programming Interface, this is the best programming editor for maintaining and understanding code.


Code info
Understand provides up-to-date information about the code. Full information about functions, classes, variables, etc., their use, names, changes and interactions is available for viewing. All call trees, metrics, references and any other code information are clearly shown.

Scitools Understand License

Metrics and reports
Understand is very effective when collecting code metrics and provides various ways of viewing them. There is a quick access to a rather large collection of standard metrics, as well as the possibility to write your own metrics if the standard ones are not enough.

Understand offers diagrams showing the dependencies (connections) inside the code, what flows (control flow diagrams) it contains, what functions call other functions (call diagrams) and many others. There are many customization options that allow you to display only the information you are interested in, so that the diagrams best meet your needs.

Compliance checks
Understand allows you to check the code for compliance with published coding standards or your internal standards. These checks can be used to verify compliance with naming rules, metrics requirements, published best practices or any other rules and agreements of importance to your group.

Dependency analysis
View all the dependencies in the code and their combinations. View them using the Understand interactive chart or text-based dependencies browser. Both options allow you to clearly see all dependencies at the top level or explore them to find out the details.

Powerful Understand editor – is a full-fledged modern programmable graphical interface, which includes all the expected modern features. It was designed from the ground up for use in a multi-monitor environment. The editor includes tabs, groups of tabs, fixation, syntax coloring, autocompletion, syntax-based collapsing and folding of names.

Understand has several search options. For instant results, use the Instant Search feature, which will display the result even before you finish typing. Understand also provides more sophisticated search options, such as regular expressions and pattern searches.

Scitools Understand License Jobs

Understand supports more than a dozen languages and can work with multi-language code databases. This allows you to see the calls and dependencies between the languages, and get information about the system as a whole.

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License: ShareWare

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